Is Webflow Easy to Use (Or Is It Good for Beginners?)

Table of Contents

This post aims to show you how easy Webflow is to use. It doesn't provide a tutorial on how to use Webflow—it only answers the question of whether Webflow is easy to use and explains why or why not.

Webflow easy to use

If you're a beginner ready to learn the Webflow development platform, keep on reading.

And if you are an individual, agency, or startup, reach out to us for further assistance.

Time to dive in.

Is Webflow beginner friendly?

Here is a short answer: If you've already mastered HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in the past, then navigating Webflow will be easy to learn. But if you've not tried those programming languages yet, using Webflow might not come as naturally.

This poses another question: Is Webflow difficult to use?

One thing is for sure: With Webflow University, the learning process comes easily.

But remember that having basic technical knowledge can speed up the process.

Can I learn Webflow development on my own?

Considering the level of customization Webflow offers, yes—you can learn Webflow development without extra help. But if you want to use it to its full potential, you must dedicate significant time.

Whenever you need assistance or feel stuck in the process, you have access to Webflow University for support.

Realistically, how long will it take to learn Webflow?

How long it will take to learn depends on your focus and willingness to try out new things.

You might learn all the programming language fundamentals in a couple of weeks, but like Ashtanga yoga, it can take a lifetime to master.

In the end, years of work experience matter most.

Mastering Webflow requires both theoretical and hands-on knowledge.

Devote full-time attention and learn Webflow in about a month. Devote 4-5 hours daily and learn it in two months.

If you can devote your full-time attention to learning, you could build a working knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in about a month.

And if you can do 4-5 hours daily, you might need two months. For mastering frameworks, too, add another month full-time or two part-time.

However, most programmers agree that developing a working proficiency in JavaScript takes six to nine months.

But no worries—Webflow doesn't require that level of knowledge even though it continuously evolves.

How can I start learning Webflow?


Learn what Webflow is

Webflow is a "low-code" visual development platform freelancers, developers, and agencies use to build, test, and launch custom websites.

Courses, documentation, interactive learning, certifications, and glossary make up a variety of tutorials that Webflow University offers.

For more information, read our full Webflow review.

Discover how Webflow development works

Imagine you're a chef cooking a meal. You carefully chop ingredients, layering flavors to get the best result.

Just like that, in Webflow development, you blend code and design elements to create a great user experience. But, like a chef balancing flavors, you also need to ensure that the code works perfectly, keeping everything running smoothly.

Since Webflow features clean code, keeping everything balanced takes little or no effort.

Understand the pros and cons of using Webflow

Webflow simplifies website development with its powerful code control capabilities. It also features great technical SEO optimization and extensive integration capabilities.

That being said, Webflow is ideal for web development and design agencies.

Now, what is the downside of using Webflow?

Webflow is not as scalable as dedicated e-commerce platforms. This may present challenges for businesses with high transaction volumes.

Unlike a classic CMS, Webflow doesn't allow you to switch templates. However, it lets you design more efficiently with its customizable options.

For more information, read our blog post dedicated to Webflow pros and cons.

Understand the Webflow capabilities

Here is a brief overview of Webflow capabilities:

  • Easily filter dynamic content
  • Completely customized content structure
  • Flexible, responsive layouts with CSS3's flexible boxes
  • CSS grid–powered layouts
  • Responsive web design

and so much more.

Once you understand what Webflow is, you can begin learning how to use it.

Time to learn programming languages

You start with the basics, like creating simple web pages with headers, paragraphs, and images. Then, as you get more comfortable, you can start experimenting with more complex layouts and design techniques.

Webflow's flexbox system allows you to precisely align and stack all elements inside an element, making layout much easier.

After you've grasped HTML and CSS well, it's time to level up your skills with JavaScript. JavaScript adds interactivity and dynamic behavior to your web pages.

You can use it to create things like interactive forms, animations, and even games.

When diving into JavaScript, it's important to understand the syntax—the rules for writing JavaScript code—along with concepts like data types, variables, and functions.

Once you've mastered the basics, you can start writing simple scripts and observing how they interact with your HTML and CSS.

Our personal experience using Webflow as an agency

As a Webflow agency, we bring a fresh purpose to every website we create. We believe Webflow is the easiest website builder to use (if you know how to code).

Our process depends on client's needs, but typically it involves four steps—from initial planning to the final launch of the Webflow site.

  1. Research

Before diving into development, we analyze the performance of existing websites or define unique selling proposition (USP) goals for new projects. This helps us identify areas for improvement and guide our development process afterwards.

  1. Plan

Focusing on seamless user experience and unique value proposition, we gather competitors' inspiration and identify key areas for improvement. We use Figma, where we gather all files so that designers, developers, and copywriters can go through this step effectively.

  1. Create

Once we've gathered all the information (and inspiration), we start building out the Webflow's website structure. We build websites with an emphasis on seamless website speed, ensuring technical SEO is never an issue.

  1. Deliver

We prioritize clear communication during the whole process, so once we deliver the unique solution, it usually requires minor or no tweaks. By incorporating top Webflow practices for speed, accessibility, and SEO, we celebrate the platform's capabilities and optimize our projects for success.

Looking to build a Webflow website on your own? Well, it's achievable after months of practice, especially for a simple landing page. But for sustainable growth, consider using the professional Webflow services.


Want to learn Webflow? Visit Webflow university.

Want to explore Webflow further? Read our blog posts dedicated to Webflow development.

Want to build a robust website and need a team you can trust? Contact our Webflow agency for further support.

You ask. We answer.

Rea is a versatile SEO writer with over 3 years of experience. At Nube, she devotes a high degree of attention to content focused on Webflow and design to establish topical authority in this field.